Movement As Therapy

Each Practice Compliments its Counterpoint. With the Skills you Learn at Work In, You'll Become Efficient in Body Mechanics, Anatomical Diagnosis, Breath Work, Ki Movement, Stress/Emotional Management, and Trauma Resolution.


Work In University is an Information Platform and Holistic Health Service Provider.
Yoga, Massage, Martial Arts, and Music are its Focus, in specific to how these perspectives Enhance the Human Experience on its Path toward Realization.

Become the change

  • When One Teaches, Two Learn


  • Yoga, Massage and Martial Arts are meant to be Blended.

    Brett Ketner

  • Self Realization is the Ultimate Path of Yoga. Self Expression is the Ultimate Form of Martial Art. Self Love is the Ultimate Form of Massage.

    Brett Ketner

  • Accepting Pain as help for Purification, study of spiritual books and surrender to the Supreme Being Constitute Yoga in Practice.

    Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Wave Forms In Formation

Wave Forms In Formation

listen to work in university where we speak with different people about holistic health and mindfulness.

